Logo and website for Bee Homes, New Zealand's Flow® authorised reseller. Bringing the joy of beekeeping and fresh raw honey to backyards and balconies.

Bee Homes wanted to first and foremost appeal to kids, without looking like a kids brand. They described this balance to me with the example of New World’s Little Garden. It gets kids engaged in a positive activity, and adults are pretty into it, too.


Bee Homes

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I created a customised version of the freehand script style as the Bee Homes logotype. The logotype can be used alone when the logo needs to be super small.

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The Bee Homes mascot (I’ve called them McBee) is created using geometric shapes based on the form of a petal. The characteristics in McBee’s face echo those of the classic kiwi buzy-bee toy, making them familiar and friendly to New Zealander’s of all ages. McBee’s tagline is “Honey, I’m home!”.

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Sales is the number one objective of their web presence. I built an easy-to-maintain online shop using Shopify for Bee Homes to run, with the option of a POS system for in-person sales at events.


Crafted and Co


Tahi Spirulina